• Coronavirus Vaccine Patient Update

    RSCNJ offers advice for patients regarding the new COVID-19 vaccine and whether its safe for pregnant women or women trying to get pregnant.

  • RSCNJ’s Nurses Complete REI Nurse Certification Course

    RSCNJ’s Nurses Complete REI Nurse Certification Course

    Three of our nurses have recently completed the ASRM Nurse Certificate Course in reproductive endocrinology and infertility (REI).

  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October

    Breast Cancer Awareness Month in October

    Join RSCNJ & the Point Pleasant Community’s fight against breast cancer by registering for the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Drive-Thru on Oct 18, 2020.

  • Dr. Alan Martinez on Telemundo

    RSCNJ’s Dr. Alan Martinez appeared on Telemundo to explain how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted women seeking fertility treatments.

  • Dr. William Ziegler’s Collaboration Published in Fertility and Sterility

    RSCNJ’s Dr. William Ziegler recently collaborated on a paper that examines the role of endometrial receptivity array in patients during their first frozen embryo transfer.

  • National Infertility Awareness Week

    National Infertility Awareness Week

    RSC New Jersey and RESOLVE recognize National Infertility Awareness Week, April 19-25, 2020, joining millions of people fighting infertility.

  • Coronavirus Patient Update

    RSCNJ offers updated advice for patients on how coronavirus and fertility treatment plans may proceed, be altered or be delayed for our patients’ safety.

  • Support Endometriosis Awareness Month This March

    Support Endometriosis Awareness Month This March

    March 2020 is the month to support endometriosis awareness to make a difference in the lives of millions of women who have this infertility-causing disease.

  • Coronavirus Update

    Coronavirus Update

    RSCNJ offers information for patients who are undergoing or who are planning to undergo infertility treatments in light of the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

  • COVID-19 Update from Your RSCNJ Family

    RSCNJ offers updated information for patients who are undergoing or who are planning to undergo infertility treatments in light of the spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

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